Wednesday, September 1, 2010

And we're back ...

home in HK!

Two weeks in Montreal, Toronto, and Ann Arbor just flew by.  Thank you to everyone who took the time to feed us and spend time with us!  The hugs and kisses were all special.

Here are some photos of the family playing with Kyle in Montreal:

Grandma Sandra playing basketball  (yes, she's almost 87!)

Grandma Helen and Grampa Loua with Kyle, who is eating one of Grandma Helen's famous shnecken!

Uncle Andoo!

Great Auntie Marion and Great Uncle Shelly.

Grandma and Kyle's favourite book (Where's your smile crocodile?)

Grampa lifting weights!

Our children.

And more family photos:

Kyle's second birthday was celebrated in Ann Arbor.

Stay tuned for more Asian Adventures coming soon!

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